Hiking With Jason

Detached From Reality

2 days out: California bound

The last week has been a whirlwind of last days of work, last minute housework, and “last meals” . I’ve had probably ten  last meals in the past week. Who knew it would be so hard and stressful to figure out where to eat!

Friday was my last day of work and my boss took my two other teammates and I to lunch. I went around the office and said my goodbyes and turned in my badges. As I rode down the elevator for the final time and the doors open I had a brief moment of “oh crap, what the hell did I just do?” Only a brief moment as I realized I only had to deal with traffic one more time. I strolled off that elevator like I had finally won an Oscar.

Yesterday I said goodbye to my roommate, dog, and cat since I was staying over at my parents house. Well the cat was hiding under the bed because of last minute housework so I didn’t get a proper goodbye there.

After getting zero sleep last night,  due to a combination  of nervous excitement and my mom’s cat sitting on my pillow and licking my head, my parents and I left early for the great city of Hemet, California to visit my cousin before heading to the border Friday morning. I’m sure I’ll get a couple more “last meals”  while there.



  1. Jeremy Gutierrez-Jensen

    April 20, 2016 at 11:31 am

    I feel like I’m Keanu in the background

  2. Two more days of last meals. We made the executive decision to go to Emilio’s for lunch tomorrow, so one less stressful decision for you to make.

  3. Jason, I commend you for following your dream! May your adventure be fulfilling and FUN!!! Safe travels and keep your followers posted. I’ll be sending prayers to your guardian angels and will be keeping in touch with your Mom. Peggy

  4. There’s gold in dem hills!

  5. Good luck, Jason! Every step you take . . . we’ll be watching you. (On this blog, of course).

  6. Looking forward to your first update and some pics from the trail. If you want I can reciprocate and send you some pics of real food and views from my recliner. Good luck!

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