Hiking With Jason

Detached From Reality

Day 83 & 84: NERO and ZERO in Shasta

Day 83 & 84 – 7/13/16 to 7/14/16

1493.92 to Interstate 5 1498.70

Total miles: 4.78

Last night was kind of weird. I definitely felt alone at night. I woke up a few times as if something startled me out of my sleep. The moon also was shining through this section of trees abut 50 feet away. Very eerie. I got up at 5:20 and was hiking by 5:45. All morning I kept hearing this beeping sound off in the distance. Never figured out what it was.I quickly made it to the interstate and saw that hitching just wasn’t going to happen. I was at an off ramp below the I5 but the exit went nowhere. No reason to get off unless you needed to turn around or go up into the mountains. I walked up the on ramp and it was a full on freeway. No way someone would stop. I walk back and call the Shasta taxi. They have a PCT rate of $25. 20 minutes later I get picked up and I’m on my way to town.


I have the driver drop me off at Black Bear Diner since it was too early to check into my room. I ordered an omelette and stuffed my face. I sat at the counter. It was my first time  eating in a restaurant by myself. A couple years ago I went to Germany by myself. I found I dislike traveling alone. I wanted to try all these places to eat but I was too self conscious to go in alone. I didn’t have a good time. Now that is all gone. I’m hungry! Ain’t nothing stopping me from stuffing my face!


After breakfast I walked up the street to the laundromat. It was a laundromat/car wash. I briefly thought about how effective the car wash would be in my smelly case. The laundromat didn’the have a bathroom for me to change into my wind clothes so I put my rain jacket around my waist and stood in the corner to change. After I put my clothes in the wash that is when I saw the sign saying don’t do what I just did and lots of cameras. Oh well… I do what I want!



After washing I walked down to my motel. I was a bit early but I was hoping the room was ready. It was. I got into my room and oh my is it tiny. However compared to my tent and sleeping pad it’s a palace. The room was clean, had a bed, bathroom, and air conditioning so I was happy. I took a long glorious shower and felt much better.

It was almost lunch time and so I made my way back down the street to Round Table Pizza for their buffet. The buffet was OK. Only a couple different type of pizza. I did eat a salad though. That was tasty and definitely needed.  I also got to watch Jerry Springer. Did not know that trash was still on the air. Jerry had a look of “what the hell am I doing?”

After lunch I went next door to the store to do a resupply. I had to get food for 5 days to Seiad Valley plus make up a box to send to Callahan’s Lodge just over the California/Oregon border. I originally planned on going to Ashland but decided to just go to the lodge since it is right off trail and I didn’t want to hitch 30 miles.

After my expensive store visit I had to walk back carrying my heavy bags. Holy crap was it heavy and my arms and traps were sore!  I feel so weak! All my muscle from lifting weights is disappearing. Makes me sad.

I got back to my room and laid in bed until I started getting hungry again. I walked all the way back to the store, abut 3/4 of a mile and got a subway sandwich. I walked back to the room and ate that. A couple hours later I decided I wanted a shake and went back to Black Bear diner and got a huckleberry shake. So good! I got back to my room and was tired of TV and commercials  so I watched Back to the Future 1 and 2 on Netflix on my phone.


The next day I got up and went to eat at the bakery down the street. I git french toast and it was OK. Little expensive. I got back to my room and vegetated some more. As it got close to lunch I took my  food to send and went to the post office. Boxed it up and sent it on its way. See ya in 10ish days food!

I walked over to Burger Express, passing all the weird crystal shops, new age healing, art galleries of shiny and glowing Jesus or Krishna  paintings, and general spiritual weirdness and weirdos. I got a bbq bacon burger, garlic fries, and a chocolate shake. The shake was so good! So good.


I walked back to my room and did nothing. Just laid in bed watching Netflix. My mom called and asked what I was eating for dinner. I wanted a burrito from across the street but they already closed. Everything in this town closes early it seems. So while talking to her I walked to Taco Bell. Ugh… I got a Mexican pizza and bean burrito. My total came to $6.66. I have a bad feeling the devil may want revenge tomorrow.


I got back to my room and took amother shower for the day. Taco Bell smells and sticks with you all day. Didn’t want to have to smell it the rest of the day and night.

I have a 6:15 pickup tomorrow to get back to the trail. Then I have a full day of uphill. With 5 days of food weight. Yay… only 190ish miles until Oregon! Can’t wait to be in a different state!


  1. I told you Taco Bell was a bad idea!

  2. Chris M Conner

    July 15, 2016 at 5:12 am

    What are you talking about? Taco Bell is awesome! 🙂

  3. Your down time is so exciting

  4. 666 now that is scary! Call on God he is in the smiting business. Sorry to hear of 5 Star leaving the trail. Keep safe and happy. Love your smile.

  5. Jason,
    I know Pat Hayes here in HOT AND SUNNY Scottsdale Arizona. He knows I like to hike so mentioned your awesome trip. I did Maine and New Hampshire fall of 1975 before going in the army. Got me in good shape. I remember going 10 days from Baxter State Park to Monson and my lunch on my 10th day was the last of my food. I did 20 miles that day just to get dinner that night at the only greasy spoon in town. I made it just before the town rolled up the sidewalk at 6PM. Spent two nights in a church converted to hikers pit stop. $2 for a cot and $2 for hot shower. I spent 6 weeks alone as my buddy changed his mind…then went the following year instead.
    I wish I had a journal of my daily walk from that trip. I hand wrote notes on a small note pad. Mailed them to my ex and she threw them away. My camera was an instamatic and it rained daily, not allowing for many good pics. No pics of the Kennebec River the last year it was used for logging. What a site that night camped on the bank. Made it across the next morning-no logs, but it was dicey, pretty wide, slippery, swift, up to my chest in places carrying about 75 pounds over the top of my shoulders. The good ole days. Better than reality TV.
    I will continue to follow along. Plan a trip in a couple of years and I will be retired and ready to take another walk. Good luck.
    Mike Cherry

  6. That’s funny, I actually like eating at restaurants by myself when I’m traveling for work. The first time was weird because the waitress thought I was stood up or something so I put on my work badge. Just so others don’t think I’m one of those psycho loners they talk about on the news. Of course, restaurants are always better when somebody else is paying anyways.

    At any rate, serves you right for getting the Mexican pizza, easily the most overrated item at taco bell.

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