Day 78 – 7/8/16
1347.71 to 1377.53
Total miles: 29.18
I got to sleep in this morning. We had reservations for breakfast at Drakesbad which starts at 7:30. Sleeping in is hard. I was awake well before 5. I laid on my pad tossing and turning until 6:30. I packed up my stuff and put my pack in the bear box. 5 Star and I walked the quarter mile or so to Drakesbad. The resort is a bunch of small cabins. Not really what I imagined. We headed for the largest building hoping it was the food building. Sure enough it was. I inquired about breakfast and about picking up my resupply box.
At 7:30 a girl came out and rang a bell that used to be on some German boat. Guess that means breakfast time. I walked up to the door and told them I’m a PCT hiker but I made a reservation. They said I can go in but normally hikers go in at 8:30. They also reminded me that there a lot of others behind me. I think they are implying not to eat all the food. The breakfast was more of a Continental style than buffet. I’ve had better breakfast selections at the Best Westerns I’ve stayed at. The was oatmeal, toast, fruit, small boxes of cereal, scones, and containers of yogurt. They also had a special item for the day which was two slices of french toast and a sausage link.
All in all it was OK. Definitely not worth the price in my opinion. Luckily I didn’t have to pay it. A kind lady paid for 5 Star and I. I didn’t know until I was on my way to our table outside. 5 Star told me and pointed out the lady but I never saw her again to thank her. One of the waitresses came out with my box and so we walked off back to our packs.
Not sure where they came up with the too Canada mileage.
I opened up my box and sifted through what I wanted. There were a couple additional items my mom added. A bag of mini chocolate donuts, which I shared with 5 Star. A cherry pie with a note saying she got me a hostess apple pie but her cat Georgi wanted it more than me. I also got a new shirt since mine was pretty rank. I could have made it last until Canada but it would feel nice to have a new shirt. Plus the new shirt is treated with a chemical to repel bugs. Similar to the bug spray I use. I stuffed my face with the donuts until I felt like crap. I took the box of unwanted things and tossed it all in the trash since there was no hiker box around. We set off across the campground to rejoin the Pacific Crest Trail.
Today was going to be pie in the sky easy. There was a short climb right away and then the rest of the day was basically downhill at a very slight decline. We made our way up the climb easy enough and started the decline.
The trail went through a wet boggy section. Thankfully they built wooden pathways over this. After the bog it was back to the trees. The day was very nice temperature wise. Nice and cool with a slight breeze and some clouds.
We got to a lake and I filled up my dirty water bag to filter. As I was sitting squeezing the life out of the bag to force the water through my filter I saw hundreds of tiny little things swimming in my water bag. Good thing I’m filtering. We set off again skirting around the lake and passing by a ranger house. Would be strange to live in the middle of the wilderness like that. I wonder if they can get pizza delivered. Speaking of pizza it’s been since Tahoe since I’ve had pizza. Over 250 miles! I’m definitely craving pizza and probably have to wait until I get to Shasta City at mile 1499.
On and on we plodded along. Moving at a pretty good speed. The goal was to get the Old Station and get some food at JJs Cafe before going a few more miles. We got to the road that lead to Old Station. We thought maybe we could get a hitch since it was a couple mile road walk on a fast road. We stood there at a little rest area pull off for 45 minutes. No love. Stupid Northern Californians. Begrudgingly we began walking down the road with our thumbs out. We had to be quick since the cafe would close at 7. We passed a store and ran in and got a coke and tried our “woe is me” act to see of someone overhearing inside would give us a ride. Nothing.
We continued on pounding asphalt. At 6:30 we arrives. Woo! We sit outside and I order a burger with pastrami on it. I plug in my phone and tracker by a family next to a power outlet. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and feet. So much dirt! I can’t wait to shower again. I can’t wait to have a shower every day. I’m used to all the dirt and at this point I don’t even notice but it sure is nice to be able to take a shower whenever you want.
I sit back down and see a tear drop camper trailer behind the restaurant with power running to it. I tell 5 Star that the more I see of those the more I want one. I ponder if maybe the owner lives in it. He replies that living in something that small would get tiring. Then he admits that it’s a palace compared to what we are used to. I mention to him how I refused to poop in a public toilet. Now it doesn’t bother me at all. Better than digging a hole. Dirt on my hands while I eat? Eh, part of life now. Need to pee but people are around? Just them around to the nearest bush. If they see a show they see a show. The trail definitely affects you in these ways. For all you future hikers I recommend not shaking hands with other hikers. Fist bump for a greeting or nothing at all. Trust me.
Our food arrives and is gone within minutes. My burger was so good. We pay the bill and I go back inside to grab my phone and tracker. The phone never charged. F! The tracker did but for some reason the phone didn’t. Just great. We fill up our water bottles at the front where there is a faucet. Tomorrow is Hat Creek Rim. A notoriously hot and waterless section. 30 miles of no water. Luckily for yours truly a cold front is coming through and tomorrow will be a high of 74 and partly cloudy.
We heave our packs burdened with 4 liters of water and walk to the gas station next door. I get a butterfinger ice cream bar and a ice cream cookie sandwich. 5 Star gets a ding dong and whole milk. We walk down the road back to the trail eating our dessert.
We get back to the trail and have a 600 foot climb up to the rim. By this time it is past 8. To my surprise I feel good. We walk for a couple miles once we reach the top looking for a place to camp. We reach a parking lot and there are concrete tables along the trail which is now a sidewalk. We decide to cowboy camp next to a table. By this time my stomach hurts. It’s not bad but enough to make me uncomfortable and feel like I need to puke. I think I’m getting the stomach aches from too much sugar. I’m going to have to cut back on the sweets. Hopefully I can sleep this off.
July 10, 2016 at 3:37 pm
Oh yeah, too much sugar. I have been concerned about this. Try to cut back. I know this is hard to do since I’m a sugar addict.
Keep smiling.