Hiking With Jason

Detached From Reality

Day 60: One thousand

Day 60 – 6/20/16

977.74 to 1001.29

Total miles 23.55

It was a totally different morning compared to yesterday morning. It was actually quite nice. Wasn’t too cold and there was no condensation. No mosquitoes either.  Today we planned on putting in some miles to make up for how little we did yesterday. Luckily most of the day consisted of a some what easy elevation. There are a couple steep climbs but they are fairly short.

We set out following along a creek. The sake creek that wanted to kill me if I slid off that stupid slope of snow. Within a couple miles we passed by what appeared to be the skull of a mountain lion. Poor kitty cat. Nonetheless it was pretty cool to see.


Eventually we came to where we had to cross the creek. Except it looked either deep and relatively calm or shallow and rough. We scouted up and down for a few minutes before finding a spot that came up to my hip. Freezing water on the balls. That’ll wake anyone up.



Once my feet were wet and weighed more it was time to climb. The trail likes to work that way. It only went up about 800 feet but it was a steep climb. Then the trail went back down. A very steep descent. And of course it was covered in snow. Why wouldn’t it be?



After dropping 1,000 feet guess what the trail did.  It went back up! And then straight back down after 1,000 foot climb.
After those two climbs the rest of the day would be fairly easy with a 1,500 foot climb over 10 miles. Hardly even noticeable. We passed by several lakes. The trail was very wet and muddy today. Can’t wait for that to be over.




Almost all the creeks couldn’t be avoided. They were deep creeks too.


Towards the end of the day we made it over Dorothy Lake Pass. The north side of the pass was of course covered in snow. Which involved lots of checking the navigation app to see where the trail disappeared too.







As we dropped we descended into mosquito hell. My bug spray was not enough. Hundreds of them swarmed around me. A few brave ones would land on my legs. I picked up the pace hoping to out pace them. It helps a bit but the swarms are always right there. I feel like I should dedicate my life to the complete annihilation of mosquitoes.
We rounded a corner and 5 Star held up his phone and said “1,000!” I looked  down and saw some rocks lined up to say 1,000.


1,000 miles. Holy crap. I’ve walked 1,000 miles in 60 days. One thousand miles.


We continued on quickly since mosquitoes don’t give a shit if you’re trying to enjoy a monumental moment. Bastards. We walked on another mile looking for a place to camp for the night but it was mosquito hell or no flat dry spots anywhere. Eventually we came to a place and we walked off trail up into some rocks on a ledge where there was a patch of dirt. I quickly shoved my stuff inside my tent and hid from the mosquitoes. There are probably 30 of them sitting on my netting. Just waiting for me to leave. Ain’t going to happen.
I dipped into my beef jerky bag today. While eating it I realized it was pork jerky. Korean BBQ pork jerky. Was really good! I wanted to eat the whole bag but I resisted. Barely.

I almost listened to all of the “The Martian” today. I’ve read it and loved the book but I was told the audio book is fantastic. I really enjoyed it. The narrator does an amazing job. I highly recommend it.


  1. Congratulations on 1,000 miles! I was feeling rather proud of myself this morning when I received an email from Fitbit that I had walked 2,500 miles, which took me a year. Now I feel a rather inferior. You’ll have your 2,500 done in another 60 days or so. So proud of you. You’re certainly being challenged during your epic journey, but you can do it!

  2. Wow, 1000 miles. Right before I read this I looked at my Fitbit since last Sept. 1174 miles and 2,500,000 steps. And you did it in 60 days, again, wow. Just think by the time you are done, maybe you will have 6,000,000 steps. 🙂

  3. Hi J. Me again. I finally read all your days and I’m current w/ you. My legs hurt just reading about it. And I find myself swatting mosquitoes that aren’t even there. I have two questions for you. And I apologize if they are redundant ones (maybe others have asked-I didn’t read the comments on all your day entries). And as tired as you are these days, I also apologize if I’m taking up your time. You can answers these whenever you want. No hurry.

    1. What would you do different w/ the shoes at two stages;
    a. The beginning of your journey. You got some nasty blisters. I’m sure other hikers (like maybe 5 Star and Mad Dog) you’ve been w/ did NOT get blisters. So in all your conversations w/ them and personal experience… is there a better shoe they used (or inserts) that looking back, you should have used?
    b. You said the same brand of shoes (the new ones) you are using have been atrocious since you hit the wet Sierras. What shoes would have you have used instead?

    2. Your “about me” section didn’t say anything about you being an avid hiker like other bloggers do. The feet, knee, and back pain you are going though almost says you’re not used to this. BUT I’m sure you MUST be in some sort of kick butt shape considering you’re doing 20 miles/day average. My question is how did you physically prepare for this monster? I think I recall you saying in one of your blogs something about hiking here/there. If I commit myself to the PCT insane asylum, I will start hiking/walking miles in January.

    Reading your adventures both scares me and gets me all excited about possibly doing this next year. I inadvertently became a Trail Angel back in April w/o realizing it by picking up and helping a hiker. Long story. I won’t take up your time or bore you w/ the details. But one thing all 6 of the hikers I have met told me the same thing… “you have to be kinda crazy to do this.” Music to my ears!

    It takes a lot to impress me and most people do not. BUT you have! I mean probably ALL PCTers will impress me now. But your near death and pain filled stories are pretty bad ass! I bought Pacific Crest Trials and he said what you just said recently… that the mental part is the hardest part of the journey. Granted, the physical part is obviously difficult, but he said the majority of people quit b/c they are so not prepared upstairs. Man, I can see why!

    Thxs again for your thoughts and time!

    Oh BTW… thxs for the tip on audio books! I was wondering if music and my thoughts alone would drive me crazy if I did PCT. I read the Wheel of Time up til book 10. Then I actually got burned out w/ it. Jordan does get kind of stale. “Come on dude… get to the point or action” kinda thing. So listening to them on the PCT is genius. If you like fantasy… The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind is awesome! So good that I’ve started reading them again. And I rarely read a book twice.

    Take care out there!

    • 1. a. Most hikers got blisters. Just part of the trail. Even hikers who did a lot of training hikes. I lucked out and only got blisters on the first 4 days. After that I didn’t get another and it just took a few weeks for it to finally heal up completely. Now my feet are fine and no blisters.
      1.b. I’m not sure what shoes. 5 Star uses Altra Olympus 2.0 and didn’t seem to have any problems. I’m trying these out next. I got them here in Tahoe. They have a little more cushion and use a Vibram sole and are a bit better with traction. Rumor has it the Lone Peak 3.0 will have Vibram soles.

      2. I did day hiking during the cooler Arizona months. An occasional backpacking trip. I mostly did a lot of weight lifting so I was in decent shape that way. My legs were a bit big from squats so I had to cut that back since it was like hiking with leg weights. The knee pain is from a motorcycle crash several years ago. Back pain is just something I’ve always had. I didn’t prepare too much since the only way to prepare is to hike all day everyday.

      You definitely have to be a bit crazy to do this. A good kind of crazy. But don’t stress or worry about it. No one knows what they are doing when they first start. Even if you plan and research before hand. Nothing can prepare you for how your body will react. That’s not to say you shouldn’t do research and plan.

      The mental stress is high. I may have a lot of bad days but at the end of the day it’s still worth it. I could be sitting in my work cube, in traffic, or sitting at home bored. Never quit on a bad day. I know some that have quit and wish they were back on the trail.

      Book 10 is definitely one of the more boring books. 11 gets a bit better but 12, 13, and 14 are great! I listened to the first Sword of Truth and loved it. I got the second one and they changed the narrator. He is terrible and very monotone. I couldn’t take it. I’ll have to actually read that series.

      Thanks for reading and realizing how much of a badass I am. 🙂 Hope you get to take this trip of a lifetime!

      • Hey, thxs for taking the time for the DETAILED reply! No such thing as too detailed I say. One hiker I met in Idyllwild that was from Missouri told me that 99% of the PCTers are very cool and real people. You have proven him correct. And unfortunately, it sounds like you have met some of the 1% along the way. I have researched, read, pseudo-planned since that first hiker I gave a ride too. And I’m all about the good crazy in life. I have been cursed in that my whole life I attracted bad crazy women, so maybe PCT can be the re-balance after years of the bad! If there IS a bad crazy female on the PCT next year… I’m sure she cross my path. Gawd I hope not. LOL.
        Thxs again!

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