Day 49 – 6/9/16
Little Pete’s Meadow 831.6 to San Joaquin River bridge 853.3
Total miles: 21.7
I did not sleep well at all last night. I couldn’t fall asleep. I was so uncomfortable last night. My lower back and hips have been aching after I’m done for the day. Especially my back. I woke up at 1 and my pad was partially deflated. I don’t know if I have a hole since it was fine in the morning or if I didn’t close the valve good enough. Either way I had a terrible night which left me very tired in the morning.
It took a little longer to get moving and we didn’t head out until 5:45. We had 3,000 feet to climb to get over Muir Pass. I wasn’t feeling good and was moving pretty slow.
Within 30 minutes we had a creek crossing. However we were able to cross over a fallen log. Always nice avoiding getting my feet wet early in the morning. Not that it matters since my shoes and socks never dried.
We continued on through the beautiful Sierra heading to Muir pass.
Around 8 we hit the snow fields and so we put on our microspikes since the snow was compacted and frozen.
The climb up to the top wasn’t too bad. I was tired and my food wasn’t giving me any energy but I was slowly making my way up.
We reached the top at 10:20. At the top is a hut dedicated to John Muir. One of The founding members of the Sierra Club.
Me, Mad Dog, 5 Star
We started to make our way down and the snow was still being nice. It was an easy descent.
For about an hour. Then the snow turned to mush. It was hard and very tiring. The descent was very gradual so we stayed at elevation and therefore in the snow for hours. I kept applying sun screen but it wasn’t helping on my legs. I kept postholing and the sun screen would just come off. My legs were very hot against the sun and snow.
By 12:30 I was in a foul mood. I was tired and just wanted a break but there was no shade to be had. I couldn’t stand another moment but I had no choice but to keep going.
At 1:15 we found a small bit of shade and I sat down and just stared off. I was so exhausted. We ate lunch and I was feeling a bit better.
We set off at 2:15 and I shot ahead. The whole day prior to lunch 5 Star and Mad Dog were ahead of me since I was moving so slow. I listened to music and was keeping a fast pace.
I didn’t see them again until 4:45 when I stopped at the trail junction for the Evolution Creek alternate. Evolution creek is very wide and very deep during the wetter years. We decided to take the alternate. The alternate has you cross where the creek is a bit shallower and not flowing fast. It still came up to my hips.
The water was very cold. Cold water is not fun when it’s up that high. As I was crossing I shouted “I was in the creek! Shrinkage!”
We continued on the alternate for a bit and then saw where the trail actually crossed the creek. It wasn’t flowing fast but it definitely was wide and deep. Probably up to my neck.
We wanted to put a few more miles in so we pushed on. We started to drop in elevation faster.
We came to a bridge over a fast moving creek and found camping spots just before the bridge. The second I set my pack down the mosquitoes were swarming. I sprayed my legs and shirt and it was like a little force field. I set up my tent quickly and got inside.
Tomorrow we drop some more before a 4,000 foot climb over Selden Pass. The pass is only 11,000 feet but it is 12 miles away. Hopefully there isn’t much snow but that is probably wishful thinking. After the pass we descend down to VVR. Only 21 miles to the trail junction them about 6 or 7 miles into VVR. Then let the feast begin.
June 16, 2016 at 3:43 pm
Your past few posts have been quite harrowing. Are you supposed to be having fun?
June 16, 2016 at 8:46 pm
The green areas are beautiful. Hopefully the sounds of the rushing water helped you have peaceful sleep as the mosquitos buzzed around your head. It’s time for some flat land and no creek crossings. I’m exhausted hearing about your challenging days. Sounds like that sugar oil does the trick in giving you energy to make it through the tough times. Good job!