Hiking With Jason

Detached From Reality

Day 23: Hiking fast for a pizza

Day 23 – 5/14/16

Messenger Flats 430.6 to Acton KOA 444.31

Total miles: 13.71

Cowboy camping did not work out. My wind blocking logs didn’t block enough.  I lasted an hour before I had to hurriedly set up my tent. After I set up my tent I tossed and turned until midnight. I turned on my phone and checked if I had service. I had a single bar of 4G so I updated day 19 which took an hour. After I messed around on my phone to kill time. I just couldn’t get comfortable. At 2:30 I fell asleep for an hour or so.  By 5 I was up getting packed up to leave by 5.

The first 6 miles to the North Folk Ranger Station went by relatively quick since it was mostly downhill.  After the ranger station it was 8 miles to the Acton KOA. 8 hot miserable hours. The trail was mostly downhill, however, there were lots of PUDS (pointless up and downs). The trail would go up and then go down just to go back up again.  It could of just skirted around the edge of the mountain easily.




The last 4 miles were tough mentally. I was tired, hungry, and hot. I just wanted to shower, do laundry, and eat a whole pizza by myself.


At 10:30 5 Star and I walked up to the KOA and there was already a ton of hikers and people around. I dropped my pack and sat in a cushioned chair for a bit before walking in the store to see the Hobbit trying to order a pizza but the place doesn’t open until 11. I buy an ice cream cookie sandwich and go and sit in the chair again.  5 Star Comes out with an Arizona ice tea so I go back and get one.  The Hobbit comes out with a digiorno pizza he microwaved. He said it was an appetizer to the real thing.  11 rolls around and we each order a 12″ pizza.  30 minutes later the pizza shows up and I devour it. I finish, push it aside and put my head down. I’m ready for a nap but I had some serious blogging to catch up on so I start uploading my pictures from my camera on the slow WiFi.


I get one update out while the rest of my photos are uploading. The three of us go do a load of laundry. I sit inside the store that has a section for hikers and continue the site updating.  5 Star gets back from taking a shower so I get up and take one. No soap or shampoo but it felt amazing. A long hot shower does wonders for ones moral.

After the shower I lounged around all day not doing anything. At 5 we placed an order for some Chinese food. That was ok. I met a couple hikers I liked but I doubt I’ll see them much since they seem to be a bit slower.




Sorry for the short post today and the less than sunny disposition the last couple days. Some days are tough and multiple tough days can wear down on me.


  1. Jeremy Gutierrez-Jensen

    May 16, 2016 at 1:58 pm

    Keep it up! Still kicking butt after all these rough days! Good to see your feet are really gross.

  2. Loretta and Mike

    May 16, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    As the parents of a future thru hiker, we are really enjoying your posts! Each year we follow some hiker blogs and its great reading about your adventure. Enjoy the good days and smile through the bad. Looking forward to following you through the end!

  3. Was all that Chinese food only for you?

  4. I’ve been a steady reader but am hitting the trail tomorrow so that’s why I’m doing the USub. thing. I’ve enjoyed your posts!

  5. I think that’s strike two for cowboy camping…

  6. wanda stephens

    May 16, 2016 at 6:18 pm

    I’ve really enjoyed your posts and I pray each day for you. You are one tough hombre, I don’t really know you but I’m proud of you. Thank you for posting/blogging. Awesone!

  7. The pizza looked delicious (other than the meat) until I saw your feet and lost my appetite. Nasty!

  8. You are one Tough Mudder.

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