Hiking With Jason

Detached From Reality

Day 15


Mile 51.7 to 70.4

19.7 miles

Last night was wet. The inside of my tent was soaked from condensation by the time I woke up. My quilt was damp down at my feet where it touched the tent wall. Looks like we would be having another hiker yard sale. I started eating a pop tart as I got everything packed up. The good news is I didn’t feel the urge to gag while eating it. I finished packing up and we took off while I tried to enjoy my breakfast. We came to a bridge over a creek and got some water. It was is cold. My hand got wet while I held my water bottle in the creek. So cold.  I started to make my way across the wooden bridge and I started to slip. The entire bridge was iced over. Guess we know how cold it got last night. 

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Day 14

Day 14

Mile 31.2 South Texas Creek to 51.7

20.5 miles

I was hoping to sleep in another 30 minutes but nope. 5 am. The Songbird and 5 Star alarm wait for no one. I waited a few minutes until I sat up and started to pack up. My socks and shoes were still soaking wet. Wet shoes in the morning is not a pleasant feeling.  I packed up everything and ate a Belvita. I have pop tarts left. Bleh. I grabbed some more water from the creek and then we were off.

Off to climb over 2,300 feet. We started the climb and it was miserable. The plants were soaking wet, the ground was muddy, and you couldn’t go 50 feet without having to crawl over or walk around a blowdown. It was also pretty steep just to add to the fun of the morning. Continue reading

Day 13: Bees and cold rain


Mile 16 to 31.2 South Texas Creek

15.2 miles

We woke up at the usual and we were on the trail by 545. Geronimo was still sleeping as we left. Guess he wasn’t getting up early like he said. The early morning was a bit overcast and gray. We had an immediate climb of almost 2,000 feet to Lake Ann Pass.

We started hiking up and quickly entered the Collegiate Wilderness. The sky cleared up and it was looking like a beautiful morning to climb over a 12,600  foot pass. Continue reading

Day 12: Long climb into the Collegiate West


Twin Lakes to mile 16 of Collegiate West

About 17.5 miles

5 Star’s alarm went off at 530. I was dying of thirst. I went to the bathroom and got some water. I packed up all my stuff and put on my shoes. Then I realized my underwear was still hanging up to dry. Well, looks like I’m going commando today. I grabbed my underwear and shoved it in my pack. We headed down stairs and grabbed our to go breakfast they left us. A hard boiled egg, cheerios, an orange, a muffin, and a nature valley granola bar. Oh boy. The muffin was good. I left everything else except the egg. I would eat it while walking. I also downed the chocolate I got yesterday.
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Day 11: Idiosyncratic town of Twin Lakes


Mile 169.2 to 175.2 Twin Lakes (plus 2 mile side trail)

8 miles

I heard Songbird rustling around in her tent working on her feet to prevent blisters. I couldn’t see or hear 5 Star so I just went back to sleep and waited for a pine cone. After about 15 minutes I got up and started to pack stuff up. 5 Star got out of his tent and threw sticks at mine. I told him I was up. I quickly packed up my stuff and put my tent away. It was a bit wet from the rain yesterday and the condensation on the inside.

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Day 10: Hot climbs and sweaty shirts


Mile 150.3 to 169.2

18.9 miles

I wake up to a spot light being shown into my tent. I look over and see Songbird shining her light all over her tent. I turn on my phone and it says 445. Way too early. I lay down and hope 5 Star doesn’t get up. 5 minutes later I hear him shuffling around. I wait for the releasing of air in his sleeping pad before I sit up and start getting ready. I quickly pack up and gracefully exit my tent.

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Day 9: Explosive moose


132.4 to 150.3

17.9 miles

I heard 5 Star and Songbird moving in their tents around 5. I went to sleep yesterday pretty early but I was still a bit tired and didn’t really want to get up. I waited until I heard 5 Star let the air out of his sleeping pad before I sat up and started getting ready. I packed up ate my biscuits before heaving the pack onto my shoulder.

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Day 8: Hike there fast and take it slow


118.9 to 132.4

13.5 miles

6 am rolls around and I get up. We have to be at the bus stop in 35 minutes. The bus stop is right outside our hotel so we don’t have to walk far. I finish packing up my stuff and get some water. I catch up on some writing and schedule some posts to be published while we are traipsing in the woods with moose and bears.

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Delay in posts


I’m having issues getting pictures to upload. The 4G service is spotty and uploading 1 picture can take almost 30 minutes. I am currently in Twin Lakes and heading to Monarch Crest tomorrow. Monarch Crest is tiny and probably won’t have Wi-Fi. After that we are heading to Silverton. I most likely won’t be able to post until then. By our guess Silverton is about 12 days away at earliest. Sorry for the delay. I blame Verizon.  

Day 7: Zero in Frisco


0 miles

Today is going to be a short post. We didn’t do any hiking today bit we did do some walking. We got breakfast across the streer at the Butterhorn Cafe. I gkt a breakfast burrito. It was OK. I’ve had better.

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