Hiking With Jason

Detached From Reality

74: Independence Day on the trail

Day 74 – 7/4/16

1237.98 to 1270.04

Total miles: 32.06

Waking up was very hard for me this morning. I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep all day. But nobody is going to hike the miles for me. I sat up and slowly started getting ready. I was packed up and hobbling down the trail eating a crushed pop tart by 5:20. At least the trail went downhill for most of the morning.
Once again the trail was in a green tunnel of trees. It’s funny I would have loved hiking in this back in Arizona. All of the Phoenix trails are just brown desert and brush. Don’t get me wrong the trees are nice. Huge! It’s just not much to look at after a few minutes. Plus I have a heard of followers just waiting for me to slow down so they can steal my blood.

We reached the bottom of the descent and crossed over a bridge. On the other side we found a small overgrown path to the river so we could get water. Of course my foot slipped off a wet rock and I stepped right into the water.  Woo… wet foot! I filter my water and the mosquitoes keep me company.



After getting water we begin the long climb. About a 2,700 foot climb over 7 miles. It was very tiring. I plodded along listening to my audiobook. I was about 300 feet from the top when I saw 5 Star laying down eating. I joined him in the shade. I was starving!



After lunch we finished the trek up. The trail was relatively flat until the last 5 miles of the day. It gained 1,500 feet. I was pretty tired going up this.  I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep up going until 7 pm.






We almost reached the top when we looked down the side of the trail where there looked to be flat spots jutting out on a rock face. We scrambled down over the dead fall and found a sand and gravel area to set up. I sat in the shade and talked to my parents for awhile since I had service. The mosquitoes weren’t around but their friend the hovering bee was. This type of bee just hovers next me all the time. If it is next to your leg and you move your leg it moves in perfect sync. They love to hover just behind my head near my ear. Loud buzzing. Stupid bees. They also love to trap themselves in my tent.
I set up my tent and climbed in. Texted some friends and messed around on the Internet before draining my battery. 5 Star snoring away mere feet away. Then I started hearing the booms of fireworks off in the distance. Not to be outdone 5 Star increased the volume. I put in my ear plugs and fell asleep. Tomorrow is Belden. Looking forward to resting. My feet are very sore.




  1. Sounds like the bees that you are talking about is what we referred to as SWEAT BEES when I was a lad.

    • Interesting. I looked up sweat bees. Never knew that some where attracted to salt. Also saw hover flies that look like bees. I think that’s what these might be. They have the markings but not the shape.

  2. Got this from Wiki for you: <>

  3. Fortunately your lunch stayed dry unlike your brain dead friend Jeremy who thought waterslides wouldn’t have any effect on his lunch. So funny even after all these years!!

  4. How nice to be so popular– mosquitoes, flies, bees (or whatever).

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